Väitöskirjatutkimus äitien yrittäjyydestä ja hyvinvoinnista (osa 2/3)

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Regina Casteleijn-Osorno tutkii väitöskirjassaan niiden yrittäjänä toimivien äitien hyvinvointia, joilla on kehitysvammaisia, neurokirjolla olevia tai vastaavaa laaja-alaista tukea tarvitsevia lapsia. Casteleijn-Osorno on julkaissut tähän mennessä kolme artikkelia, ja tämä on toinen niistä. Artikkelissa "A fresh perspective on entrepreneurship as a career for mothers to additional needs children" Casteleijn-Osorno tuo esille, kuinka tukea tarvitsevien lasten äideille kehittyy taitoja, joista on hyötyä yrittäjänä toimiessa. Blogikirjoitus on englanniksi, mutta suomenkielinen tiivistelmä löytyy lopusta.

Entrepreneurship as a Pathway for Mothers of Children with Additional Needs

Balancing motherhood and a career is challenging for any parent, but for mothers of children with additional needs (AN), this balancing act can feel nearly impossible. Traditional employment often lacks the flexibility needed to manage caregiving responsibilities, leading many mothers to modify their careers or leave the workforce entirely.

But what if entrepreneurship could provide an alternative? A recent study explores how mothers of AN children can leverage their caregiving skills to build successful businesses, offering them autonomy, financial stability, and a renewed sense of purpose.

The Challenges of Traditional Employment

Mothers of AN children often face unique obstacles when it comes to maintaining traditional jobs, including:

  • Workplace Inflexibility – Many employers struggle to accommodate unpredictable caregiving responsibilities.
  • Financial Pressures – The costs associated with raising a child with AN—medical care, therapies, specialized education—are significantly higher.
  • Societal Expectations – Mothers are often expected to be the primary caregivers, making it difficult to maintain full-time employment.
  • Emotional and Physical Strain – Balancing caregiving and a career can lead to burnout, stress, and declining personal wellbeing.

As a result, many mothers find themselves underemployed or forced to leave the workforce altogether. However, the research suggests that entrepreneurship may offer a more sustainable path.

Entrepreneurship: A Flexible Solution

Unlike traditional jobs, entrepreneurship allows mothers to:

  • Set their own schedules – Work when and how it suits their family’s needs.
  • Create meaningful work – Pursue business ventures aligned with their skills and passions.
  • Find financial independence – Generate income without the constraints of a standard 9-to-5 job.

More importantly, mothers of AN children naturally develop transferable skills that make them well-suited for entrepreneurship.

Understanding Stressors and Development

The following diagram illustrates the challenges (stressors) that mothers of AN children face and how these challenges contribute to personal and professional development.

As shown in the diagram, stressors such as work inflexibility, time management, caregiving, financial pressure, and control can contribute to identity formation and skills development—essential qualities for entrepreneurship.

From Caregiver to Business Owner: Transferable Skills

The study highlights several key skills that mothers of AN children acquire through their caregiving experiences—many of which are directly applicable to running a business:

Skill How It Helps in Entrepreneurship
Problem-Solving Navigating complex challenges helps in making business decisions.
Time Management Juggling caregiving and other responsibilities develops strong organizational skills.
Empathy & Communication Advocating for a child enhances networking and customer relations.
Resourcefulness Finding creative solutions for caregiving transfers to business problem-solving.
Resilience Handling setbacks in caregiving builds the perseverance needed for entrepreneurship.
Networking Engaging with support groups strengthens business collaboration skills.
Adaptability Adjusting to new caregiving challenges fosters flexibility in business growth.

These skills are critical for entrepreneurial success, proving that mothers of AN children are already equipped with the tools they need to thrive in business.

The Need for More Research

While entrepreneurship presents many potential benefits, further research is needed to explore:

  • How effectively these caregiving skills translate into business success.
  • Whether entrepreneurship improves long-term wellbeing for these mothers.
  • The role of social enterprises in supporting mothers of AN children.

Final Thoughts: More Than Just a Business Venture

Entrepreneurship is more than just an income source for mothers of AN children—it’s an opportunity to reclaim their professional identity, achieve financial independence, and integrate work with caregiving in a sustainable way.

By leveraging their resilience, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability, these mothers can turn their daily challenges into entrepreneurial strengths. However, continued research and support are essential to ensure they have the resources needed to succeed.

As society rethinks work-life balance, it’s time to recognize the untapped potential of these mothers—not just as caregivers, but as innovators, entrepreneurs, and changemakers.

Got interested?

Read the whole article ”A fresh perspective on entrepreneurship as a career for mothers to additional needs children” by Regina Casteleijn-Osorno here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/14657503251317615

Regina Casteleijn-Osorno: regina.a.casteleijn-osorno@utu.fi

Yrittäjyys polkuna tukea tarvitsevien lasten äideille

HUOM! Tiivistelmä suomennettu tekoälyn avulla

Äitiyden ja uran tasapainottaminen on haastavaa kenelle tahansa vanhemmalle, mutta tukea tarvitsevien lasten äideille tämä voi tuntua lähes mahdottomalta. Perinteinen työllisyys ei usein tarjoa tarvittavaa joustavuutta hoitovastuiden hallintaan, mikä johtaa monien äitien uran muuttamiseen tai työelämästä poistumiseen.

Perinteisen työllisyyden haasteet:

  • Työpaikan joustamattomuus
  • Taloudelliset paineet
  • Yhteiskunnan odotukset
  • Emotionaalinen ja fyysinen rasitus

Yrittäjyys tarjoaa äideille mahdollisuuden:

  • Määrittää omat aikataulunsa
  • Luoda merkityksellistä työtä
  • Saavuttaa taloudellisen itsenäisyyden

Hoitajasta yrittäjäksi: Siirrettävät taidot

Tutkimus korostaa useita avaintaitoja, joita tukea tarvitsevien lasten äidit kehittävät hoitokokemustensa kautta, kuten ongelmanratkaisu, ajanhallinta, empatia ja viestintä, kekseliäisyys, resilienssi, verkostoituminen ja sopeutumiskyky.

Lisätutkimuksen tarve

Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan selvittämään, kuinka hyvin nämä hoitotaidot kääntyvät liiketoiminnan menestykseksi ja parantavatko ne äitien pitkän aikavälin hyvinvointia.


Yrittäjyys tarjoaa tukea tarvitsevien lasten äideille mahdollisuuden palauttaa ammatillinen identiteettinsä, saavuttaa taloudellinen itsenäisyys ja yhdistää työ ja hoitovastuut kestävällä tavalla. Jatkuva tutkimus ja tuki ovat kuitenkin välttämättömiä heidän menestyksensä varmistamiseksi.


Lue koko artikkeli ”A fresh perspective on entrepreneurship as a career for mothers to additional needs children” (englanniksi) täällä: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/14657503251317615

Regina Casteleijn-Osorno: regina.a.casteleijn-osorno@utu.fi